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financial communicationS

Investor Relations

Transform your financial communication into engaging, interactive experiences for your investors.  With live investor relations webcasts and in person events, you can create a brand aligned, direct connection between your company and its stakeholders. 

Financial Communications

Connect, engage and inspire

Financial communication is a critical part of a company’s overall communications strategy and branding.  
Whether it’s content creation, interviews, film production, livestreamed press conferences, quarterly reports, annual meetings, or arranging capital market days and investor events, Creo can help you strengthen and align your financial communication. 
Delivering over 100 IR productions annually, Creo is a well-known and trusted partner for many of Sweden’s largest international companies.  

In collaboration with our sister company Hallvarsson & Halvarsson  and Comprend  we can also help you with in-depth insights and messaging towards your financial stakeholders. 

Financial Communications

Quarterly Reports – live from our studio or your choice of location 

Many analysts and journalists prefer to watch quarterly reports online rather than attend physical press conferences. Our high-quality live broadcast concept is tailored for online audiences, both for the live broadcast as well as access afterwards.

We broadcast from our studio or your chosen location, using mobile, modular scenography to reflect your brand. In collaboration, we structure the program and design and produce the brand elements. Our technical producers ensure that the presenters are briefed, comfortable and prepared. 

We can also produce additional live press or media interviews, or internal webcasts for employees, from the same location, maximizing the value for our clients. 

Examples of quarterly reports

Financial communications

Creo Studio

Creo Studio is designed for businesses and organizations that want to communicate with their target audiences through moving media. Our 90-square-metre studio in Stockholm is equipped with the latest technology to create high-quality productions. Whether you need a recording studio, streaming studio, TV studio, or film studio in Stockholm, we can assist you.

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Financial Communications

Capital Markets Day or Investment Update?

Both events are important in investor relations, but they are tailored for different purposes and audiences. Capital Markets Days are comprehensive and strategic, ideal for long-term investors and detailed insights, while Investor Updates are usually a shorter program focusing on recent performance and targeted business themes. 

In either case, Creo can help develop a program and experience that reflects your needs and audience. We support with the entire physical event, branding, and content during the day as well as the live webcast.

Creo also produces films and other visual content for the event to strengthen the presentations.  

Invite investors or analysts, who are not able to participate on site, to attend via web or mobile! 

Examples CMD and investment updates

Financial Communications

Why should you use live webcast for your financial communication?

Real-Time Engagement

Real-time insights foster a sense of urgency and importance of information. Investors appreciate transparency. Seeing your leadership team discuss financial performance and future strategies firsthand builds trust and credibility. 

Interactive Experience

Invite your investors to be part of the conversation. Live Q&A sessions during the webcast allow stakeholders to get immediate answers, enhancing understanding and engagement. This can be done by audio or text.  

Valuable Analytics

Leverage the powerful analytics we can provide. Understand viewer engagement, track questions, and gather feedback to refine your future presentations.  

Stronger Relationships

Regular, open communication through live webcasts cultivates strong investor relationships.  

Global Accessibility

Break down geographical barriers. A live webcast ensures all your investors can tune in, regardless of their location. This inclusivity promotes fairness and increases participation. 

Build Confidence

Consistent, transparent communication strengthens investor confidence. When investors feel well-informed and involved, they’re more likely to support your company long-term. 

Cost-Effective and Sustainable

Save on travel and accommodation costs while supporting sustainability. Live webcasts are a cost-effective way to reach your audience, reducing your carbon footprint and appealing to environmentally conscious investors.  

Let's connect

If you want to get more information about our offer, or want to take a look at our studio please connect with us.
We look forward to hearing from you!

contact us